

Mission Statement

Established in 1918, the Hargreaves Hamilton Group originated as a textile machinery based company. Although remaining a worldwide authority on textile engineering, the Hargreaves Hamilton Group has been able to expand its portfolio of businesses through acquisition and internal development to encompass seven separate identities.


Although our business interests lie primarily within the UK, the Hargreaves Hamilton Group also has dealings with companies across the globe from Africa and eastern Europe to the far East.


Should any of our companies featured in this website be of interest to you, please telephone the appropriate number and a member of our team will be happy to assist you.


Hargreaves Hamilton Group also has an active Business Development Unit and are always looking at new ideas and possible business opportunities to diversify the company. Please contact William Nuttall at the group if you have a viable proposal.


Through a commitment to exceptional customer care and positive employee experience, together with a proactive approach to changes in industry, we aim to build on our existing strengths as a group of companies, enabling us to expand our current markets together with exploring new prospects.